Are you in the market for a new home? There are many reasons why families would want to sell their homes and relocate. One of the common reasons is that a death has occurred in the home. Most people find it hard to move on when they lose their loved one. To help get their health back on track, they need to move to a new home. In the case of a death in the home, if it’s not properly cleaned, the traces will linger unless a professional death scene cleanup service is contacted.
So what are the signs of death in a home?
Foul Smelling Odor
When someone dies in their home and the body left unattended for an extended period of time, there are a number of signs that tips neighbors and passersby to the tragedy. The foul odor that emanated from the decomposed body.
Human body decomposition takes place in different stages. It takes no more than 2-3 days for the body to release foul odor. When this happens, then the deceased is at a stage know as bacterial bloat, during this phase the body releases foul gasses that are caused by the organs decomposing.
During warm months, the bacterial bloat stage doesn’t take long to occur, making the foul odor the first thing that neighbors notice. Apart from removing the body from the property, the odor needs to be taken care of. A death scene cleanup service uses a fogging method to get rid of the bad odor. The fogging machine spreads lots of microdroplets of specialist chemical which targets bacteria and other microorganisms causing the odor. Once these microorganisms are taken out, the foul odor gets eliminated.
There are many other techniques that these experts use in getting rid of bad odor in the home. A home with a foul odor will become inhabitable over time. Homeowners will be embarrassed to allow visitors into their home. To get rid of bad odor caused by decomposition, death scene cleanup service is your surest plug
Flies in the Window
Another sign to show that an unattended death has occurred in a property is the presence of flies and maggots. Although flies are no stranger to many households in the US today if there are a large number of them in the window of a property then you should know that this is unusual. This is a sign that something tragic has occurred. Maggots and flies will always feed on the remains of the deceased and are found around the tenth day after the death has occurred.
When a death scene cleanup service arrives at your property, they will not only perform a thorough cleanup job but also make sure that every sign of flies and maggots are eliminated. After that, the next step is to sanitize the affected area including every possible surface that these flies and maggots must have perched on.
When an unattended death occurs in a home, it is best that you reach out to a death scene cleanup service to help restore the home to its original state.